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Advantages of the system
Dual interface Dual interface
Dual interface Dual interface cards (contact and contactless ones at the same time)
Types of cards Types of cards
Types of cards Transport, student, family and other types of cards with various facilities for customers
Payment without a PIN code Payment without a PIN code
Payment without a PIN code Payment of small amounts without a PIN code
Flexible system Flexible system
Flexible system A flexible system for creating and managing card products
Security guarantor Security guarantor
Security guarantor Terminal park, plastic cards and processing system, certified by international payment systems
Unique design Unique design
Unique design Unique design (embossing, varnished texture, etc.)
World-class services World-class services
World-class services Receiving world-class services and products.
Visa, Master Card and Union Pay Visa, Master Card and Union Pay
Visa, Master Card and Union Pay The possibility of a one-time connection of both issuers and acquirers of Visa, Master Card and Union Pay International

The HumoCard functionality

  • Dual interface cards (contact and contactless ones at the same time)
  • Payment of small amounts without a PIN code
  • Unique design (embossing, varnished texture, etc.)
  • Ability to place a bar code and photo in the card design when issuing a card
  • Receiving world-class services and products

Advantages of the Cards

  • A flexible system for creating and managing card products
  • The possibility of a one-time connection of both issuers and acquirers of Visa, Master Card and Union Pay International
  • Comprehensive mobile banking
  • Terminal park, plastic cards and processing system, certified by international payment systems
  • Integration with loyalty systems
  • Ability to select card products based on the needs
  • Single card for several accounts and cards
  • Issue of several cards added to one account
  • Transport, student, family and other types of cards with various facilities for customers

Single terminal network for various payment systems

Trade acquiring is an organization of processing bank cards at one POS-terminal of Visa International, MasterCard, UnionPay international payment systems and Humo payment system when paying for goods and services in retail business establishments.

Contactless Technologies

The Humo payment system offers all its customers innovative payment methods using contactless technologies that allow payment of transactions by touching once against the card reader at the terminal, after which the purchase is considered to have been paid.

Main Advantages:
  • Prompt payment
  • Sales activity stimulation
  • New marketing opportunities
  • Innovative image

High-quality modern equipment

  • Magnetic stripe-based, chip-based, and contactless payment by cards
  • Stand-alone terminals
  • The possibility of integration (cash) banking using POS-terminals

Transaction safety

The Humo payment system offers to all its customers innovative payment methods by contactless technologies. To do this, all our cards and terminals are equipped with contactless payment functionality. To make a contactless payment, simply touch the card against the terminal reader and then enter your PIN code. Payment with one touch is easy and convenient.

The owner of plastic cards has a lot of opportunities. First of all, it is safety. If the owner of a plastic card has lost it, this does not mean that he is losing their money either. Each plastic card has an individual four-digit PIN-code, known only to its holder, to protect it against its use by other persons. In the case of loss of the plastic card, the holder can call from any point on the earth to the issuing bank to inform on the card loss, and the issuing bank will put the card in the stop list.

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Last update: 2 June 2025, 11:05 (GMT+5)

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